Western Cuyahoga Audubon Member Meetings and Speaker Series 2019-2020
Member Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are followed at 8:00 p.m. by a Speaker. Programs are hosted at the Rocky River Nature Center located in the Rocky River Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks and Online. Guests are always welcome to introduce them to the Audubon mission. (Programs are subject to change)
Program: “Ohio’s Environmental Issues and How Citizens Can Help”
Presenter: Marnie Urso, Policy Director, Audubon Great Lakes Region
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Citizens, no matter if part of an Audubon chapter or just concerned about the environment, need to be aware of and take an active role in statewide environmental issues. State issues are often tied to national issues and advocacy is part of Audubon’s mission. Marne Urso, Policy Director with National Audubon’s Great Lakes Region, will walk us through how any of us can receive notice of issues AND how to become involved. Educating oneself on issues, contacting local representatives, or writing letters to the editor are just a few and easy ways to volunteer and advocate for the environment.
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Program: “My Adventures to Help Save Cranes in the Wild”
Presenter: Tom Leiden, Senior Advisor, International Crane Foundation
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Cranes are mystical and magical creatures revered by many cultures as a symbol of happiness and good fortune. However, eleven of the fifteen species of cranes are threatened with extinction. Tom Leiden will share his first-hand experiences as part of the field team with the International Crane Foundation. The Foundation’s work is to study and preserve cranes, especially the habitats the birds need on their breeding sites, wintering sites and migratory routes.
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Program: “Bird Conservation in Ohio: Success Through Partnerships”
Presenters: Joseph Lautenbach, Wildlife Biologist, Ohio Division of Wildlife
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: As many of us have observed, bird conservation in Ohio has faced many challenges through recent decades, ranging from shifting agricultural practices to urban sprawl. For conservation to be successful, conservation organizations in Ohio need to pool resources to maximize efforts to protect habitats and restore bird populations. Wildlife Biologist, Joseph Lautenbach, will discuss conservation partnerships and success stories throughout Ohio.
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Program: “Photographing Birds in Their Natural Setting”
Presenter: Earl Peck, WCAS member and photographer
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Potluck dinner and Silent Auction at 6:30 PM, Program begins at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: As a photographer and an amateur birder, WCAS member, Earl Peck, will share his photographs of birds in their natural habitats from his travels to many parts of the world. We’ll view hummingbirds in the US and Costa Rica, penguins on the Galapagos Islands, in Argentina, the Falklands, and South Georgia Island, and much more. Relax while we visit places and birds you want to see.
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Program: “Purple Martins of Summit County”
Presenter: Kay Lukac, Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Purple Martins are the largest swallow in Ohio. Nesting in colonies, usually martin boxes or gourds supplied by people, the birds are a sound of the summer. As the martins ready themselves for migration to Brazil, they will gather by the thousands around lakes and wetland habitats. Portage Lakes in Summit County is one of the areas in which the birds congregate and the Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association is proud to share information about the life history of the martins as well as the importance of the habitats the birds need prior to migration as well as in South America.
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Program: “How Birds Shape the Air: A Guided Tour of the Structure and Function of Bird Wings“
Presenter: Dr. Tobin Hieronymus, Assistant Professor at Northeast Ohio Medical University
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Bird wings are iconic structures, Across cultures and through history they appear, grafted in their entirety, onto other beings or objects of symbols of speed or flight. But beneath the feathers lies a system of bones, muscles and tendons that governs flight mechanics in a very concrete way. This presentation will explore the evolutionary story and anatomy of bird wings, drawing from Dr. Hieronymus’ lab.
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Program: “Implications of Climate Change in the Arctic”
Presenter: Dr. Anne Farley Schoeffler, Educator at Seton Catholic School
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Many of us will never visit the Arctic, yet the lives of many migratory birds, as well as charismatic wildlife, such as polar bears and killer whales are dependent on an environment that we may consider harsh. Dr. Anne Schoeffler, educator at Seton Catholic School, served as a teacher-researcher in Greenland in 2016 with PolarTREC. Her presentation will cover the Arctic environment, Arctic amplification of climate change, and consequences for ecosystems.
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This program was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Program: “Emergent Mechanics of the Cup Nest and Its 'Mechanical Synthesis”
Presenters: Dr. Hunter King, University of Akron
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: From the perspective of polymer research and biomimicry, the cup nest built by some birds is unusual: it’s cohesive without attractive interactions; it is plastic and soft though its elements are elastic and stiff. Birds building this type of nest appear to embody an instinctive understanding of the emergent mechanics of thin, flexible, and frictional grains, one that is currently lacking in the scientific community. How do birds choose elements in order to tune the mechanical performance in aggregate? How do distinctive mechanical characteristics relate to structural demands of natural nests? Get your science on as we begin to address these questions through experiments with artificial 'nests', and observations of the construction process.
Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society Member Meetings and Summer Speaker Series 2020
Program: "Plants for Birds"
Presenter: Michael Goldman, Conservation and Outreach Manager, Grange Insurance Audubon Center
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Speaker at 8:00 p.m.
Description: Ever wonder how to attract more birds to your home without buying bird seed? Audubon’s Michael Goldman will explain how to do just that. By planting native plants in your yard you too can have a whole menagerie full of birds. Michael will also be going through Audubon’s Plants for Birds database to help you learn what will best grow in your gardens and what kinds of birds you can attract to your home. Not only can you learn how to help the birds but native plants will also help local pollinator populations.
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Program: “Perspectives on Urban Birding”
Presenter: David Lindo, The Urban Birder
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 2, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Speaker at 8:00 p.m. Programs are free and open to the public.
Description: UK celebrity birder David Lindo, aka 'The Urban Birder', shares the magic and thrills of urban birding, tips for birding during global pandemics, and urban migration patterns.
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Program: “From Landfill to Urban Park”
Presenter: Isaac Robb, Director of Urban Projects, Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Date & Time: Tuesday, July 7, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Speaker at 8:00 p.m. Programs are free and open to the public.
Description: Isaac Robb will discuss the importance of land reuse in urban areas by removing toxic materials to return the land to nutrient-rich soils for a healthier green infrastructure for wildlife and people.
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Program: “Richfield Heritage Preserve: History and Nature”
Presenter: Corey Ringle, President, Friends of Crowell Hilaka
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Speaker at 8:00 p.m.
Description: Richfield Heritage Preserve, formerly Girl Scout camp Julia Crowell Hilaka, was once home to pioneers, inventors, agriculturalists, and campers before becoming a beautiful community park for everyone to enjoy. Keeping with the tradition of diverse uses, the park hosts a variety of activities, from hiking, fishing, and horseback riding to visiting the beautiful historic homes and seeing inventor Jim Kirby's hydroelectric Mill wheel and patented self-clarifying lake! Hope you will join us to learn more about this hidden treasure tucked away in Richfield, Ohio.
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Member Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are followed at 8:00 p.m. by a Speaker. Programs are hosted at the Rocky River Nature Center located in the Rocky River Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks and Online. Guests are always welcome to introduce them to the Audubon mission. (Programs are subject to change)
Program: “Ohio’s Environmental Issues and How Citizens Can Help”
Presenter: Marnie Urso, Policy Director, Audubon Great Lakes Region
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Citizens, no matter if part of an Audubon chapter or just concerned about the environment, need to be aware of and take an active role in statewide environmental issues. State issues are often tied to national issues and advocacy is part of Audubon’s mission. Marne Urso, Policy Director with National Audubon’s Great Lakes Region, will walk us through how any of us can receive notice of issues AND how to become involved. Educating oneself on issues, contacting local representatives, or writing letters to the editor are just a few and easy ways to volunteer and advocate for the environment.
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Program: “My Adventures to Help Save Cranes in the Wild”
Presenter: Tom Leiden, Senior Advisor, International Crane Foundation
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Cranes are mystical and magical creatures revered by many cultures as a symbol of happiness and good fortune. However, eleven of the fifteen species of cranes are threatened with extinction. Tom Leiden will share his first-hand experiences as part of the field team with the International Crane Foundation. The Foundation’s work is to study and preserve cranes, especially the habitats the birds need on their breeding sites, wintering sites and migratory routes.
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Program: “Bird Conservation in Ohio: Success Through Partnerships”
Presenters: Joseph Lautenbach, Wildlife Biologist, Ohio Division of Wildlife
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: As many of us have observed, bird conservation in Ohio has faced many challenges through recent decades, ranging from shifting agricultural practices to urban sprawl. For conservation to be successful, conservation organizations in Ohio need to pool resources to maximize efforts to protect habitats and restore bird populations. Wildlife Biologist, Joseph Lautenbach, will discuss conservation partnerships and success stories throughout Ohio.
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Program: “Photographing Birds in Their Natural Setting”
Presenter: Earl Peck, WCAS member and photographer
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Potluck dinner and Silent Auction at 6:30 PM, Program begins at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: As a photographer and an amateur birder, WCAS member, Earl Peck, will share his photographs of birds in their natural habitats from his travels to many parts of the world. We’ll view hummingbirds in the US and Costa Rica, penguins on the Galapagos Islands, in Argentina, the Falklands, and South Georgia Island, and much more. Relax while we visit places and birds you want to see.
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Program: “Purple Martins of Summit County”
Presenter: Kay Lukac, Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Purple Martins are the largest swallow in Ohio. Nesting in colonies, usually martin boxes or gourds supplied by people, the birds are a sound of the summer. As the martins ready themselves for migration to Brazil, they will gather by the thousands around lakes and wetland habitats. Portage Lakes in Summit County is one of the areas in which the birds congregate and the Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association is proud to share information about the life history of the martins as well as the importance of the habitats the birds need prior to migration as well as in South America.
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Program: “How Birds Shape the Air: A Guided Tour of the Structure and Function of Bird Wings“
Presenter: Dr. Tobin Hieronymus, Assistant Professor at Northeast Ohio Medical University
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Bird wings are iconic structures, Across cultures and through history they appear, grafted in their entirety, onto other beings or objects of symbols of speed or flight. But beneath the feathers lies a system of bones, muscles and tendons that governs flight mechanics in a very concrete way. This presentation will explore the evolutionary story and anatomy of bird wings, drawing from Dr. Hieronymus’ lab.
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Program: “Implications of Climate Change in the Arctic”
Presenter: Dr. Anne Farley Schoeffler, Educator at Seton Catholic School
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: Many of us will never visit the Arctic, yet the lives of many migratory birds, as well as charismatic wildlife, such as polar bears and killer whales are dependent on an environment that we may consider harsh. Dr. Anne Schoeffler, educator at Seton Catholic School, served as a teacher-researcher in Greenland in 2016 with PolarTREC. Her presentation will cover the Arctic environment, Arctic amplification of climate change, and consequences for ecosystems.
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This program was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Program: “Emergent Mechanics of the Cup Nest and Its 'Mechanical Synthesis”
Presenters: Dr. Hunter King, University of Akron
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Location: Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH 44070 Map
Programs are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.
Description: From the perspective of polymer research and biomimicry, the cup nest built by some birds is unusual: it’s cohesive without attractive interactions; it is plastic and soft though its elements are elastic and stiff. Birds building this type of nest appear to embody an instinctive understanding of the emergent mechanics of thin, flexible, and frictional grains, one that is currently lacking in the scientific community. How do birds choose elements in order to tune the mechanical performance in aggregate? How do distinctive mechanical characteristics relate to structural demands of natural nests? Get your science on as we begin to address these questions through experiments with artificial 'nests', and observations of the construction process.
Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society Member Meetings and Summer Speaker Series 2020
Program: "Plants for Birds"
Presenter: Michael Goldman, Conservation and Outreach Manager, Grange Insurance Audubon Center
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Speaker at 8:00 p.m.
Description: Ever wonder how to attract more birds to your home without buying bird seed? Audubon’s Michael Goldman will explain how to do just that. By planting native plants in your yard you too can have a whole menagerie full of birds. Michael will also be going through Audubon’s Plants for Birds database to help you learn what will best grow in your gardens and what kinds of birds you can attract to your home. Not only can you learn how to help the birds but native plants will also help local pollinator populations.
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Program: “Perspectives on Urban Birding”
Presenter: David Lindo, The Urban Birder
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 2, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Speaker at 8:00 p.m. Programs are free and open to the public.
Description: UK celebrity birder David Lindo, aka 'The Urban Birder', shares the magic and thrills of urban birding, tips for birding during global pandemics, and urban migration patterns.
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Program: “From Landfill to Urban Park”
Presenter: Isaac Robb, Director of Urban Projects, Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Date & Time: Tuesday, July 7, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Speaker at 8:00 p.m. Programs are free and open to the public.
Description: Isaac Robb will discuss the importance of land reuse in urban areas by removing toxic materials to return the land to nutrient-rich soils for a healthier green infrastructure for wildlife and people.
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Program: “Richfield Heritage Preserve: History and Nature”
Presenter: Corey Ringle, President, Friends of Crowell Hilaka
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2020: Member Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Speaker at 8:00 p.m.
Description: Richfield Heritage Preserve, formerly Girl Scout camp Julia Crowell Hilaka, was once home to pioneers, inventors, agriculturalists, and campers before becoming a beautiful community park for everyone to enjoy. Keeping with the tradition of diverse uses, the park hosts a variety of activities, from hiking, fishing, and horseback riding to visiting the beautiful historic homes and seeing inventor Jim Kirby's hydroelectric Mill wheel and patented self-clarifying lake! Hope you will join us to learn more about this hidden treasure tucked away in Richfield, Ohio.
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