Western Cuyahoga Audubon Member Meetings and Speaker Series 2020-2021
Member Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are followed at 8:00 p.m. by a Speaker. Programs are hosted at the WCAS Virtual Conference Center. Programs are free and open to the public. Registration is recommended. Donations are appreciated. (Programs are subject to change.)
Member Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are followed at 8:00 p.m. by a Speaker. Programs are hosted at the WCAS Virtual Conference Center. Programs are free and open to the public. Registration is recommended. Donations are appreciated. (Programs are subject to change.)
Program: WCAS Member Meeting and Hybridization of Cerulean and Parula Warblers, Summer Speaker Series, September 1, 2020
Presenter: Ryan Trimbath, Ecologist, Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Recorded: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: In nature, hybridization between species is not common, but does occur. During the summers of 2014 and 2015, in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, an unusual warbler song was heard. The birds were located, netted, banded, had tissue samples taken, and plumage information recorded. It turns out that the birds were a hybrid of a Cerulean Warbler and Northern Parula based on plumage characteristics and mitochondrial and nuclear genes. It appears that Northern Parulas are expanding their breeding range into Cerulean Warbler's range, suggesting that this hybrid combination may become more common. Why?
Program: WCAS Member Meeting and Hybridization of Cerulean and Parula Warblers, Summer Speaker Series, September 1, 2020
Presenter: Ryan Trimbath, Ecologist, Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Recorded: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: In nature, hybridization between species is not common, but does occur. During the summers of 2014 and 2015, in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, an unusual warbler song was heard. The birds were located, netted, banded, had tissue samples taken, and plumage information recorded. It turns out that the birds were a hybrid of a Cerulean Warbler and Northern Parula based on plumage characteristics and mitochondrial and nuclear genes. It appears that Northern Parulas are expanding their breeding range into Cerulean Warbler's range, suggesting that this hybrid combination may become more common. Why?
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Bird and Moon: Comics With a Naturalist’s Knowledge' with Rosemary Mosco, October 2020 Recording
Presenter: Rosemary Mosco, naturalist and artist
Recorded: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: If you haven’t heard of Bird and Moon Science and Nature Cartoons this is the presentation for you! But what about those who know about Bird and Moon … then this is the presentation for you! Rosemary Mosco is a wonderful naturalist who puts her naturalist eye into cartoons that are fun and also accurate. You will smile, if not laugh at the antics of birds and other wildlife in her renderings … all based on what she has seen. We will also learn more about Rosemary, her interest in the natural world and how she is inspired to put pen to paper. Really looking forward to this presentation, hope everyone will enjoy.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Bird and Moon: Comics With a Naturalist’s Knowledge' with Rosemary Mosco, October 2020 Recording
Presenter: Rosemary Mosco, naturalist and artist
Recorded: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: If you haven’t heard of Bird and Moon Science and Nature Cartoons this is the presentation for you! But what about those who know about Bird and Moon … then this is the presentation for you! Rosemary Mosco is a wonderful naturalist who puts her naturalist eye into cartoons that are fun and also accurate. You will smile, if not laugh at the antics of birds and other wildlife in her renderings … all based on what she has seen. We will also learn more about Rosemary, her interest in the natural world and how she is inspired to put pen to paper. Really looking forward to this presentation, hope everyone will enjoy.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Emergent Mechanics of the Cup Nest and Its 'Mechanical Synthesis' with Dr. Hunter King, University of Akron, November 2020 Recording
Presenter: Dr. Hunter King, Physicist and Polymer Scientist, University of Akron
Recorded: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: From the perspective of polymer research and biomimicry, the cup nest built by some birds is unusual: it’s cohesive without attractive interactions; it is plastic and soft though its elements are elastic and stiff. Birds building this type of nest appear to embody an instinctive understanding of the emergent mechanics of thin, flexible, and frictional grains, one that is currently lacking in the scientific community. How do birds choose elements in order to tune the mechanical performance in aggregate? How do distinctive mechanical characteristics relate to structural demands of natural nests? Get your science on as we begin to address these questions through experiments with artificial 'nests', and observations of the construction process.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Emergent Mechanics of the Cup Nest and Its 'Mechanical Synthesis' with Dr. Hunter King, University of Akron, November 2020 Recording
Presenter: Dr. Hunter King, Physicist and Polymer Scientist, University of Akron
Recorded: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: From the perspective of polymer research and biomimicry, the cup nest built by some birds is unusual: it’s cohesive without attractive interactions; it is plastic and soft though its elements are elastic and stiff. Birds building this type of nest appear to embody an instinctive understanding of the emergent mechanics of thin, flexible, and frictional grains, one that is currently lacking in the scientific community. How do birds choose elements in order to tune the mechanical performance in aggregate? How do distinctive mechanical characteristics relate to structural demands of natural nests? Get your science on as we begin to address these questions through experiments with artificial 'nests', and observations of the construction process.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Lichens: An Overlooked Organism' with Tomas Curtis, Kent State University, December 2020 Recording
Presenter: Tomas Curtis, undergraduate at Kent State University, studying Botany
Recorded: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: What is a lichen? Is it a plant? A fungi? An algae? During this program we will find out and become lichenologists ourselves. Tomas Curtis, student at Kent State University, will discuss the history of studying lichens including the work and accomplishments happening in Northeast Ohio. In addition, we’ll discover why lichens are important to ecosystems. Lastly, Tomas will cover information on some of the most significant finds of his current study.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Lichens: An Overlooked Organism' with Tomas Curtis, Kent State University, December 2020 Recording
Presenter: Tomas Curtis, undergraduate at Kent State University, studying Botany
Recorded: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: What is a lichen? Is it a plant? A fungi? An algae? During this program we will find out and become lichenologists ourselves. Tomas Curtis, student at Kent State University, will discuss the history of studying lichens including the work and accomplishments happening in Northeast Ohio. In addition, we’ll discover why lichens are important to ecosystems. Lastly, Tomas will cover information on some of the most significant finds of his current study.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Bird Migration: Linking Habitats Between Two Continents' with John Hannon, BirdLife International, US Representative, January 2021 Recording
Presenter: John Hannon, BirdLife International, US Representative
Recorded: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Iconic species, such as Scarlet Tanagesr and Bobolinks, are focal species of Audubon chapters’ conservation efforts that also connect us to Hemispheric initiatives supporting communities and habitats across the Americas. John Hannon will share the current state of bird conservation across the globe and how the BirdLife Partnership, which includes Audubon, is working throughout the Americas to combine community development with conservation, protecting the habitats of birds, and bringing awareness of the need for healthy ecosystems.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Bird Migration: Linking Habitats Between Two Continents' with John Hannon, BirdLife International, US Representative, January 2021 Recording
Presenter: John Hannon, BirdLife International, US Representative
Recorded: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Iconic species, such as Scarlet Tanagesr and Bobolinks, are focal species of Audubon chapters’ conservation efforts that also connect us to Hemispheric initiatives supporting communities and habitats across the Americas. John Hannon will share the current state of bird conservation across the globe and how the BirdLife Partnership, which includes Audubon, is working throughout the Americas to combine community development with conservation, protecting the habitats of birds, and bringing awareness of the need for healthy ecosystems.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Robots, Drones and the Science of Studying Prairie-Chickens' with Dr. Jackie Augustine, Audubon of Kansas , February 2021 Recording
Program: “What Is That Bird Doing?: Feeding Behavior”
Presenters: Nancy Howell with videos by Bill Deininger
Recorded: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Dr. Jackie Augustine, Executive Director, Audubon of Kansas, is a behavioral ecologist who studies the mating behaviors of wild birds. While attending Kansas State University for her doctorate, she fell in love with prairie-chickens, and has now been studying them for nearly two decades. Her current research utilizes robots to study how males attract mates in Greater and Lesser Prairie-Chickens, two declining species whose ranges overlap in western Kansas. Another project is determining whether drones could be used to survey for prairie-chickens in the future. Dr. Augustine describes what fascinates her about prairie-chickens and includes videos of robots and drones in action.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Robots, Drones and the Science of Studying Prairie-Chickens' with Dr. Jackie Augustine, Audubon of Kansas , February 2021 Recording
Program: “What Is That Bird Doing?: Feeding Behavior”
Presenters: Nancy Howell with videos by Bill Deininger
Recorded: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Dr. Jackie Augustine, Executive Director, Audubon of Kansas, is a behavioral ecologist who studies the mating behaviors of wild birds. While attending Kansas State University for her doctorate, she fell in love with prairie-chickens, and has now been studying them for nearly two decades. Her current research utilizes robots to study how males attract mates in Greater and Lesser Prairie-Chickens, two declining species whose ranges overlap in western Kansas. Another project is determining whether drones could be used to survey for prairie-chickens in the future. Dr. Augustine describes what fascinates her about prairie-chickens and includes videos of robots and drones in action.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'What Is That Bird Doing?: Feeding Behavior', with Nancy Howell and Bill Deininger March 2021 Recording
Presenters: Nancy Howell and Bill Deininger
Recorded: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Birds have behaviors that humans may not quite comprehend. WCAS gets questions, such as “Why is this bird doing that?” or “I saw a bird doing X, is it okay?” Through the wonderful videos taken by Bill Deininger, we view many species of birds while feeding, discuss what they are feeding upon, adaptations for feeding, and how using these behaviors can help with bird identification. Viewer participation and questions.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'What Is That Bird Doing?: Feeding Behavior', with Nancy Howell and Bill Deininger March 2021 Recording
Presenters: Nancy Howell and Bill Deininger
Recorded: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Birds have behaviors that humans may not quite comprehend. WCAS gets questions, such as “Why is this bird doing that?” or “I saw a bird doing X, is it okay?” Through the wonderful videos taken by Bill Deininger, we view many species of birds while feeding, discuss what they are feeding upon, adaptations for feeding, and how using these behaviors can help with bird identification. Viewer participation and questions.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'Cute Chicks' with Carrie Elvey, Senior Naturalist and Community Engagement Coordinator, The Wilderness Center April 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Examine the lives of young birds, survivorship rates and survival strategies.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'Cute Chicks' with Carrie Elvey, Senior Naturalist and Community Engagement Coordinator, The Wilderness Center April 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Examine the lives of young birds, survivorship rates and survival strategies.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'The Central Ohio Owl Project' with Blake Mathys, Ohio Dominican University May 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Gaining a better understanding of Ohio’s owls is a goal of Ohio Dominican University ornithologist Blake Mathys. Last fall he launched the Central Ohio Owl Project, but his research actually extends beyond the title, as Mathys will accept owl reports from anywhere in the state.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'The Central Ohio Owl Project' with Blake Mathys, Ohio Dominican University May 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Gaining a better understanding of Ohio’s owls is a goal of Ohio Dominican University ornithologist Blake Mathys. Last fall he launched the Central Ohio Owl Project, but his research actually extends beyond the title, as Mathys will accept owl reports from anywhere in the state.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'A Bilingual Education Program Conserves Little Terns (Sternula albifrons) in Okinawa, Japan' with Kaori Sunagawa, Assistant Professor, Okinawa International University June 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Japan lists the Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) as endangered due to population declines and habitat loss. Their colony in the Awase Tidal Flat is the biggest in Okinawa, but due to dredging and a reclamation project, the main sandbar on which they nest has eroded and fewer birds are using it. Ms. Sunagawa believes bird habitat conservation depends on the larger community appreciating these birds. Since 2019, she and the students in her environmental education class at Okinawa International University, have given presentations to local elementary school students, created birdwatching lessons and tours, and helped elementary students paint little tern decoys. Ms. Sunagawa’s experience conserving the California Least Tern has helped prepare the activities she and her students have done in Japan.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program, 'A Bilingual Education Program Conserves Little Terns (Sternula albifrons) in Okinawa, Japan' with Kaori Sunagawa, Assistant Professor, Okinawa International University June 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:30 PM (ET)
Description: Japan lists the Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) as endangered due to population declines and habitat loss. Their colony in the Awase Tidal Flat is the biggest in Okinawa, but due to dredging and a reclamation project, the main sandbar on which they nest has eroded and fewer birds are using it. Ms. Sunagawa believes bird habitat conservation depends on the larger community appreciating these birds. Since 2019, she and the students in her environmental education class at Okinawa International University, have given presentations to local elementary school students, created birdwatching lessons and tours, and helped elementary students paint little tern decoys. Ms. Sunagawa’s experience conserving the California Least Tern has helped prepare the activities she and her students have done in Japan.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Inclusive Engagement for Everyone 2020+' Speaker Series July 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 7:30 PM (EST)
Description: The years before 2020 were all about reaching out to underserved communities, building rapport with others, and keeping all peoples engaged in environmental projects, protections, and activism. COVID-19 social distancing abruptly severed ties and we had to get creative. Communities and environmental organizations faced barriers to Internet accessibility, lack of computer competency, resource scarcity, digital leadership know-how - all further stymied by an inability to safely lead programs in person. In the past year many creative and dedicated people have come together to bridge the gaps. This program features stories about the tools and brilliant ideas that have kept everyone engaged in this new, remote world. Tammi Fierro-Zeis is "passionate about equitable advocacy, most of my environmental engagement has been centered on breaking barriers of access and hoping to inspire an appreciation of nature in everyone. In my spare time, I'm an unabashed birder and have an undying love for shorebirds and quail!"
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Inclusive Engagement for Everyone 2020+' Speaker Series July 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 7:30 PM (EST)
Description: The years before 2020 were all about reaching out to underserved communities, building rapport with others, and keeping all peoples engaged in environmental projects, protections, and activism. COVID-19 social distancing abruptly severed ties and we had to get creative. Communities and environmental organizations faced barriers to Internet accessibility, lack of computer competency, resource scarcity, digital leadership know-how - all further stymied by an inability to safely lead programs in person. In the past year many creative and dedicated people have come together to bridge the gaps. This program features stories about the tools and brilliant ideas that have kept everyone engaged in this new, remote world. Tammi Fierro-Zeis is "passionate about equitable advocacy, most of my environmental engagement has been centered on breaking barriers of access and hoping to inspire an appreciation of nature in everyone. In my spare time, I'm an unabashed birder and have an undying love for shorebirds and quail!"
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Don’t Touch That Nest (or can you?)!' Speaker Series August 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7:30 PM (EST)
Description: Late summer into autumn is a time when some birds are finishing up nesting and many birds are molting. Did you know that you may be breaking a federal law by disturbing nesting birds or possessing a feather or egg collection? Dr. Jim Tomko shares his knowledge about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916, how it is intertwined with the beginning of the National Audubon Society, and how having feathers, nests or eggs may ... or may not ... be cause for concern.
Program: Member Meeting and Speaker Program 'Don’t Touch That Nest (or can you?)!' Speaker Series August 2021 Recording
Recorded: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7:30 PM (EST)
Description: Late summer into autumn is a time when some birds are finishing up nesting and many birds are molting. Did you know that you may be breaking a federal law by disturbing nesting birds or possessing a feather or egg collection? Dr. Jim Tomko shares his knowledge about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916, how it is intertwined with the beginning of the National Audubon Society, and how having feathers, nests or eggs may ... or may not ... be cause for concern.